How to manage and succeed projects
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1.1 The Construction Project item
A project is defined, whether it is in construction or not, by the
following Items:
a- A defined goal or objective .
b- Specific tasks to be performed.
c- A defined beginning and end.
e- Resources being consumed.
The goal of construction project is to build something. What
differentiate the construction
industry from other industries is that its projects are large,
built on-site, and generally unique.
Time, money, labor, equipment, and, materials are all examples of
the kinds of resources that are
consumed by the project.
Projects begin with a stated goal established by the owner and
accomplished by the project team.
As the team begins to design, estimate, and plan out the project,
the members learn more about
the project than was known when the goal was first established.
This often leads to a redefinition
of the stated project goals.
1.2 The Need for Project Management Item :
The construction industry is the largest industry in the world. It
is more of a service than a
manufacturing industry. Growth in this industry in fact is an
indicator of the economic conditions
of a country. This is because the construction industry consumes a
wide employment circle of
While the manufacturing industry exhibit high-quality products,
timelines of service delivery,
reasonable cost of service, and low failure rates, the
construction industry, on the other hand, is
generally the opposite. Most projects exhibit cost overruns, time
extensions, and conflicts among
parties. Figure 1.1 is an example of a complicated project. 1.1 The Construction Project
A project is defined, whether it is in construction or not, by the
following characteristics:
a- A defined goal or objective.
b- Specific tasks to be performed.
c- A defined beginning and end.
e- Resources being consumed.
The goal of construction project is to build something. What
differentiate the construction
industry from other industries is that its projects are large,
built on-site, and generally unique.
Time, money, labor, equipment, and, materials are all examples of
the kinds of resources that are
consumed by the project.
Projects begin with a stated goal established by the owner and
accomplished by the project team.
As the team begins to design, estimate, and plan out the project,
the members learn more about
the project than was known when the goal was first established.
This often leads to a redefinition
of the stated project goals.
1.3 The Need for Project Management Item :
The construction industry is the largest industry in the world. It
is more of a service than a manufacturing industry. Growth in this industry in
fact is an indicator of the economic conditions of a country. This is because
the construction industry consumes a
wide employment circle of labor.
While the manufacturing industry exhibit high-quality products,
timelines of service delivery,
reasonable cost of service, and low failure rates, the
construction industry, on the other hand, is
generally the opposite. Most projects exhibit cost overruns, time
extensions, and conflicts among
parties. Figure 1 is an example of a complicated project.
Major Types of Construction Projects :
planning for various types of construction, the methods of procuring professional
construction contracts, and financing the constructed facility can be quite
different. The
spectrum of constructed facilities may be classified into four major
categories, each with
own characteristics.
1.4.1 Residential Housing Construction :
housing construction includes houses and high-rise apartments. During the
and construction of such projects, the developers usually serve as surrogate
take charge, making necessary contractual agreements for design and
construction, and
the financing and sale of the completed structures. Residential housing designs
performed by architects and engineers, and the construction executed by
builders who
subcontractors for the structural, mechanical, electrical and other specialty
residential housing market is heavily affected by general economic conditions.
Often, a
increase in total demand will cause a substantial investment in construction,
since many
projects can be started at different locations by different individuals and
developers at
same time. Because of the relative ease of entry, many new builders are
attracted to the
housing construction. Hence, this market is highly competitive, with
potentially high
as well as high rewards.
Institutional and Commercial Building Construction :
In the first Institutional
and commercial building encompasses a great variety of project types and sizes,
such as
schools and universities, medical centers and hospitals, sports facilities,
warehouses and light manufacturing plants, and skyscrapers for offices and
hotels. The
of such buildings may or may not be familiar with construction industry
practices, but
usually are able to select competent professional consultants and arrange the
financing of
constructed facilities themselves. Specialty architects and engineers are often
engaged for
a specific type of building, while the builders or general contractors
undertaking such
may also be specialized in only that type of building.
of the higher costs and greater sophistication of institutional and commercial
comparison with residential housing, this market segment is shared by fewer
the construction of some of these buildings is a long process which once
started will take
time to proceed until completion, the demand is less sensitive to general
conditions than that for housing construction.
Specialized Industrial Construction
industrial construction usually involves very large scale projects with a high
technological complexity, such as oil refineries, steel mills, chemical
processing plants and
or nuclear power plants. The owners usually are deeply involved in the
of a
project, and prefer to work with designers-builders such that the total time
for the
of the project can be shortened. They also want to pick a team of designers and
with whom the owner has developed good working relations over the years.
the initiation of such projects is also affected by the state of the economy,
long range
forecasting is the most important factor since such projects are capital intensive
require considerable amount of planning and construction time.